Ever wonder what you were born for? I did and sometimes still do. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All the whining about not knowing, all the grousing, complaining. Just bet you know the drill too. What is God’s will from me?!

Wasting all that time being jealous of the apostle Paul.

Sure, God, you told him he was the apostle to the Gentiles. He could ignore other stuff and focus. What about me?

Well, turns out, once I shut up and stopped pouting, I noticed some details that eluded me. Naw, not eluded, more like honking, flashing big road signs I chose to overlook.

Stuff that sure didn’t seem like what I thought a call from God would look like. Like reading. Everything. All kinds of topics about all kinds of things. Biology, biographies, history and science/quasi-science. Finding out the difference and why it matters.

Asking questions, about everything. When was knitting developed, why human behavior is tied to culture, what kind of organizational patterns emerge in start-ups and why do they peter out? Wondering why I think in a particular way, and discovering other people don’t think like me. And that it’s okay that they don’t. Why music impacts thought patterns and color choices in décor. That general health is more than body function. The difference between people and objects.

The list goes on and on. I think about stuff all the time. I like it.

And God enjoys that. He called me to do that. What?!?

A person can be called to ask questions? Check out Proverbs 25:2.

Go figure.

But what about my husband, kids, grandkids, friends, Romans, countrymen? Sorry, extraneous details fly past my mental eyes. And I have no windshield wipers. Forget the Romans, countrymen stuff. Shakespearian lines emerge at the craziest moments.

But shouldn’t the people in my life be part of my call?

Yeah, and they are because God put them in my life. And He, God, guards all that He gives me. (Ps 16:5) My job is to steward all that He gives me. No concerns about keeping things (or people) safe, that’s His job. And developing plans, procedures that grow, develop and prosper all He puts in front of me is my job. Knowing my office and my gifting helps me keep my attention on my responsibilities to share what I know to the best of my ability.

Kind of a nice delineation of tasks. With no worry about stuff I can’t control anyway. Hmmm.

Turns out I function as a Teacher. Not in a classroom, but in life. I ask questions, cast idea seeds, pray for rain and move on. God uses what I thought were distractions to show people mysteries and delights. And because I am all about Fulfillment, especially in people, I ask people questions. For their benefit. And sometimes puts wrinkles in their socks.

Part of the job is developing a sense of what to ask when, then shut up so other people can process what is going on. Kindness goes a long way.

I don’t guard the questions or protect the ideas. God does that. Part of what I have to learn is to trust His husbanding of people, His direction of what ideas to present and nurture, as well as which rabbits to chase another day. He knows what He’s doing. Kind been at it a long time. Me, I’m the new kid to this. It’s gonna be fun. Kind of scary, but fun.